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Saturday, March 13, 2010

How to make Sprouts?

Sprouts can be prepared from any pulse/legume. Its very healthy if consumed raw without cooking. I prepare sundal with this. Its good to reduce weight and cholestrol.

Heres the simple steps to make the pulses/legumes sprout.

Take 1 cup of green gram or as required.

Soak it in water till its nicely soft.

Its looking soft.

Then remove water and cover it with a lid or put in an air tight container.

Leave for a day or two. It will be perfectly sprouted.

Repeating the steps together
Take 1 cup of green gram or as required.
Soak it in water till its nicely soft.(atleast for 6-8 hours)
To know this you take one or two green gram press and see it should break.
Then remove water and cover it with a lid or put in an air tight container.
Leave for a day or two. It will be perfectly sprouted.
You can have it raw or make a salad with it.
Can also keep in refridgerator and use.

(I usually soak it in the morning by evening remove water and keep checking till next day it should be ready)

Click on the image for Green Gram and Pomo Salad recipe.

Read more on my previous how to make posts click here.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Venthiyakeerai/Methi/Fenugreek Sadam/Rice

This weekend has been Venthiyakeerai week for me, picked fresh leaves when visited Little India. Dishes I made was almost with Venthiyakeerai/Methi/Fenugreek leaves like Chapathi, Veg. Pulav and Simple Rice was quite healthy.

This recipe is from my Mom who makes it so tasty. When I use to work before marraige this recipe was mostly prepared for my lunch box since I love mixed/colour rice.

Hope you enjoy too..
Venthiyakeerai/Methi/Fenugreek leaves - 1 bunch
Vangibath/Bisibelebath powder - 3 -4 tspns(As per your taste)
Cooked Rice - 1 cup (1 Alaku)
Oil - 2 tspns
Mustard - 1/2 tspn
Dry Red chilli - 2 nos
Channa Dal/Urad Dal - 1 tspn
Curry leaves - few

Preparation Method
Wash and cut venthiyakeerai into small pieces.
Heat a wide kadai/wok add oil, mustard wait till it splutters, then add dal, red chilli curry leaves. Saute till dal is brown.
Then add Venthiyakeerai/Methi/Fenugreek leaves and salt. Cook till its soft. Add vangibath powder and mix well. Cook for 5- 10 mins till the raw smell goes.

Off the stove once its cooled. Mix it with rice and Serve.

Venthiyakeerai Sadam can be had as it is or with Raitha.

This recipe is going off to
Bitter Better Health by Yasmeen and Divya's Healing Foods Spinach Event started by Siri.

Keerai Kootu with Moong Dal

Keerai Kootu is a traditional recipe of Tamil Brahmin. You can use any type of greens. The Kootu which I posted before is also different from this.

Spinach/Greens - 1 bunch
Paasi Paruppu/Moong Dal - 1 cup
Fresh Grated Coconut - 1 cup
Dry Red Chilli - 3 nos (As per your taste)
Jeera/Cumin seeds - 1 tspn

For Seasoning/Tempering
Oil - 1 tspn
Mustard - 1/4 tspn
Urad Dal - 1/2 tspn
Dry Red chilli - 1no

Preparation Method

Wash and chop spinach into small pieces.
Cook Moong Dal in pressure cooker for 3 to 4 whistles with water.
Cook spinach in a vessel with salt and turmeric.
Grind Grated coconut, jeera and chilli to a fine paste.
Once spinach is well cooked(You will know by the colour) add grounded mixture and dal. Add salt if required.

Mix well and until it boils. If its too thick add little water while boiling.

Can also add 1/2 tspn of coconut oil.

Now season with above ingredients in a hot pan and add to the Keerai Kootu.

This is a good sidedish for Chapathis or also with plain rice.

This recipe is going off to Healing Foods Spinach by Divya event started by Siri.


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